Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Beast

Ha ha. My boss came up with this workout and called it The Beast. He's such a nut.

Anyway, I did it today, and it was pretty nice.

50 pullups (I did jump chins...such a poor excuse for a pullup)
50 box jumps
50 KB swings (used the 24kg)
50 burpees
50 situps
50 pushups
50 back extensions
800 m run
50 KB cleans (did 10 with 2x12kg and decided they didn't count-then used 2x16kg for 50)

It was good. Took me about 30 minutes or so... The KB cleans were supposed to be after the situps, but I didn't want to be going out for the run when my client showed up, so I left the cleans until the end, thinking they would take the most time. I don't like jump chins. If I didn't have a time constraint today, I would've subbed 90 degree chins with the jungle gym. That would've been much better. My pushups have been a struggle again lately. I think I need to start doing a lot of pushups all the time, because then they eventually feel easier when I do that. Same thing with situps. Need to do lots and lots of them all the time...

1 comment:

madison said...

Intense! I may give that one a try on Friday...