Saturday, May 19, 2007

More congested than I-35 at rush hour

So I had a sinus infection from hell, which is starting to clear up...but now I still have a cold from hell. Everything is congested, I'm exhausted, and now my vocal cords are coated, so I don't have much of a voice. This stinks. I've hardly worked out in two weeks, and I feel like a a beached whale. Ugh.

I slept from about 10 p.m. last night to 1:00 p.m. this afternoon. I woke up in the morning long enough to take my meds, drink some OJ, and smell some eucalyptus oil. My plan for the weekend is to lay around and sleep, drink lots of hot tea, and hope to be better by Monday. :)


madison said...

I hope your curing weekend has you feeling better! This could be fall-out from overtraining. It's a fine balance, I think, between pushing yourself to make progress, and getting into trouble. Hope you are easing back into it soon!

K-Smash said...

I'm doing OK. I lost my voice Saturday, sounded like Marge Simpson yesterday, and today I sound like a lounge singer...or a smoker. How about a smoking lounge singer? Yeah...

I'm still tired, and very frustrated from being sick. I feel foggy-headed. I'm going to hold off on working out until I feel a little better...

madison said...

Wise. Maybe now that you've been released from job-status purgatory your body is catching up on all the rest/healing it needed when you were in stress mode. Go easy!

K-Smash said...

Ha ha ha! Job-status purgatory! That's a good one!

Speaking of which, now that we know I'll be leaving for 6 months, sometime between now and October would be the only time I can guarantee I'll be here if you want to come to Austin on vacation...of course, between now and October is when Austin does start to resemble hell...its going to be hot, hot, hot!!

I still feel completely wiped out. Its really irritating me too. I want to feel better so that I can start working out again. I can't believe how exhausted I feel all the time...