Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Congrats to iheartburpees!!!

Congratulations on graduation!!!!

So I ended up taking a full week off from working out. Saturday morning I donated blood. I felt great afterwards and planned to do a light workout Sunday. However, late Saturday I developed a cold...it came on pretty fast too. Sunday I laid around being sick. Monday I felt like hell, but did a light workout anyway. I did a little jumprope, a little rowing, some pushups (around 50), some pullups (around 5), some pistols (about 10 on each leg), and maybe thats it.

Today I warmed up with the jump rope, and then did a circuit of rowing (400 m), renegade rows (2x12kg then 2x16kg), overhead squats (12 with 45lbs, 5 or so with 75 lbs, 5 with 85 lbs, 3 with 95 lbs), and 30 situps. I guess I decided I wanted to see just how much my core could take. Then while working with a client, I did some PW rollouts and did better with them than I thought I would. I really struggled through the rowing and cleaning 95lbs was really tough too. A few weeks ago I cleaned 115lbs, so I was getting pretty ticked off at myself for feeling so tired. Then I remembered that I donated blood AND I'm getting over a cold...so I just need a little more time to recover, I suppose. Its funny how differently I treat myself compared to how I treat clients. I would tell a client, "Of course its going to take more time to recover, that stuff takes a lot out of you," yet I expect myself to come back from it in 48 hours or less. Silly, silly, silly. :)


amber said...

you are silly! Giving blood sets you back at least a week, stamina-wise. But its for a good cause, so if you can remember that you'll be extra tired and not beat yourself up over it, then its worth it!

I'm glad you gave yourself time, and I expect to see some kick ass workouts posted by you in the next couple of days (if you're getting more than 5 hours of sleep a night, that is!)

madison said...

Yes, it is hard to keep perspective! For me, I've started recognizing when I'm picking on myself, and instead of analyzing it, thinking there is some story behind all of it, I just say, "oh, that's my habit. I can stop now." 115 pounds! You are strong!!!