Thursday, August 23, 2007

Good times!

Still taking it easy and and at stability/strength level.
Wed. workout:
4 X 6
One armed clean-squat-press (16 K)
Swings (38 k)
Body rows

Felt good.

Thurs: Jump n get up.
6 X
Jump rope 100 f and b
2 turkish get ups each side.

I didnt' do the jump rope. Instead I did the stability version of box step ups 50 total, switch leading leg after 25. Used a higher box (just over knee level).

Wednesday night I subbed yoga. It is so good to direct my energy that way. I like to believe that it helps people feel better not just in a physical way, but also mentally more ready to accept their bodies and lives as they are. Beautiful...Oh yes. And brilliant.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Very cool workouts - I like them both!

You have always been a wonderful HEY teacher. I appreciated your classes and your insights. I wish you could be everywhere! :D