Anyway, I'm coming along. Today's workout kicked my butt. I met up with our newest trainer at a local track. We did our own thing most of the time, but it was still motivating to work out with another trainer. There was a hill there - not as big as Elver. Still respectable, but more manageable. Today is my test day. I decided to run through the events for quality and not freak myself out with time, so I didn't even bring my stop watch. I warmed up with a half mile jog. Then I did 60 situps. Then J and I did a 300 m sprint together. Then we did 120 yards of 10 traveling burpees and 10 crawling steps alternating. Back to our own thing - I did pushups (30 in a row!!) and a 1.5 mile run. Last I did 3 sprints up the hill.
Yesterday morning: 30 minutes of 20 pushups, 10-15 90 degree chins, 20 situps, 400 m run. J was leading class so most of the 400's he made me finish with a sprint. Very nice.
Yesterday afternoon: short and sweet KB workout: cleans, squats, presses, snatches, renegade rows, and a few sots presses. Started light and worked up to my maxes. Nothing too intense, low reps, just getting back into the KB stuff again.
Thursday: I took the day off.
Wednesday: I ran a bit under 4 miles. The last third of the run was super difficult.
Feeling good right now, although a bit tired...I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow. Here's a little gecko that I caught in the gym. Once it got used to me, I got it to actually sit in my hand...and then when I took it outside, it didn't want to leave my hand!
Nice work K-smash! It sounds like you are in fine shape for your fitness test. Keep focused on what you want right now. If it's doing your absolute best on that test, your training should reflect that (which it sounds like it does). Training to boost your maximum resistance (e.g., climb the mountain training) doesn't seem like it will help your focus, and may undermine you if you overtrain, as you are wont to do... P.S. Monkey Bar misses you too.
Just to clarify, I'm saying the stuff about resistance training/climb the mountain, because it sounded like that is what you were wanting/missing from the Monkey Bar. This is just in case I misunderstood, in which case, ignore what I say/assum about that...
No, I do feel the need to climb the mountain. I am hoping, in the next six weeks, to increase the number of pushups I can do without stopping, increase the number of situps I can do in a minute (or decrease the time it takes me to do 60 situps), and decrease my 1.5 mile time. I do need to watch for overtraining, I know. I will be quick to give myself a day off if I think I'm pushing too hard. I'm trying to gets lots of antioxidant rich foods and tea in too. The key will be getting lots of sleep, I think.
The cross training and kettle bell training are for the purpose of supporting my climb with the pushups, situps, and running, but I'm not going to go for increasing resistance with those so much...
I really do need to improve the situps and the running for the test, but I think in six weeks, I'll be in great shape for those events as well.
Its the people I miss at the Monkey Bar. Everyone is SO supportive, inspiring, enthusiastic, and it was so wonderful to train in that community. Starting with Jon and his philosophy of "Each one teach one" makes all the trainers and members the most important compenent of the, I miss that.... :)
I hear you . . . I miss it like crazy! Especially when given the gym options here in VA.
I hear you!!! You are both so right. I'm glad we have this connection. And you know Madison is always here...
I hear you!!! You are both so right. I'm glad we have this connection. And you know Madison is always here...
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