Friday, October 27, 2006


Not really, but like the notion of hitting the day with enthusiasm. Slept great and woke up early for a change! I think Burpee-girl's suggestion about taking my meds at night earlier in the evening is working out for me. Went for a slow run last night, only about 4 miles, actually walked for about a third of the distance, running/walking off and on. Had a beef flavored soy patty with kale and brown rice for dinner with bengal tiger spice herbal tea. Delish! Oh, I had part of a cookie too. Molasses.

What else? Going to do a workout on my own with some work colleagues later this afternoon. Won't be as good as the gym, but I'll be sure to do it which is what counts. Also, having a private yoga session with Kari tonight. She is so good. I hope she can help me with my foot alignment and all associated toubles. Have a beautiful day!!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

It sounds like you are on the definitely sound like you are feeling better.

Can't wait to see you!