Monday, October 02, 2006

Still sore from Saturday!!

Oh butt, my thighs...they hurt....when will it stop?

OK, so you know what I said about line drills? Same thing for jumping rope. Yeah, I've been an idiot.

So today, I warmed up with jumping rope on the tennis court next to my apartment. It felt great. I did two sets of 150s and then a series of skills intervals. I need to start jumping rope regularly again. I love it.

Then I came inside and did three sets of pushups (15 reps per set), chinups (2 reps per set), and situps (60 as fast as possible, followed by 30 as fast as possible).

I was going to do more tonight, but I'm too tired. I'm still not decided on whether to do the line drill workout or sprints tomorrow...

Welcome to the blog, Phoenix! I'm glad your online with us....and I love the name!

Be strong, ladies!!!!

1 comment:

madison said...

Good to get back to the FIT oldies but goodies. J-rope and line drills. Hard not to get a good workout with those...