Sunday, October 29, 2006

One more hour!

I hate standard time. I wish that we had Daylight Savings time year-round. So what if the sun doesn't come up until 7 a.m.? I don't know anyone that doesn't like being up before the sun...oh yeah, DH....DH doesn't like being up before lunch! Ha ha! :D

So I ended up taking three days off due to knee pain (and an insanely hectic schedule - but that's not a valid excuse). Saturday, DH and I went for a 4 mile run. When we went out, we hadn't eaten in about four hours, and a mile into our run, we both realized our mistake...oh well...we still managed to run the whole thing.

Last night, DH and I were up baking cookies until 4 a.m. A group at church is collecting cookies to give soldiers returning from Iraq. Needless to say, I was pretty tired today, so I decided to go for an easy run. I ended up running 3 miles at a pretty good pace. DH was surprised when I got home and said I made good time. Back to the knee pain....its pretty much gone, except when I start getting tired. When I'm running, if I really focus on keeping the hamstrings activated, there's no pain.

As far as diet - still pretty good. Lots and lots of veggies, some fruits, some meat...I did taste the cookies we were baking, and indulged in a couple today, but still managed to keep my daily caloric intake under 1200 calories by loading up on the veggies. I'm now under the weight requirements for the job, but I intend to give myself a good safety zone before I start ramping up the calories to maintenence levels. I am still freaking out about losing muscle...but my workouts feel pretty good. At my strongest, I was able to do a few 1-arm pushups and a few pistols. I can't do those now, so I know that I've lost some strength...on the other hand, regular pushups are getting easier, and I think I'm getting faster with running...I guess we'll see how I do when I come home and you girls start kicking my butt!

I'll see you ladies soon! Be strong!

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