Monday, October 16, 2006

Top of the week

Had some good workouts lately...Friday was a long circuit 1 time through, as many reps as possible in 1 minute of: military press, cleans, clean and press, (I was toast at this point), k-bell pulls, k-bell pushes (basically turn around and pull the k-bells dragging them behind you so it's a pushing action), straddle ups with rope or pole vaulters with chin-up bar or rings, power wheel roll outs (did this twice), then finished with foot up lunges 1 minute each leg, first thirty seconds were slow and controlled, second thirty were as fast as possible. It was a good workout. I used a 60# d-ball for the military presses, an 80# for the cleans, back to 60 for the clean and press. Saturday, I took yoga class instead of teaching. Then had a run later in the day. Run was about 4 miles, sprint then slow jog, sprint then slow, then a pretty plodding pace for the rest of the run. My feet and ankles still are not pain free, but getting better. Sunday, no workout, but did rake my front yard. Was thinking about my core strength as I worked so that action came from the twist of my hips and legs rather than spine.

Nutrition is not good. Mostly, I just don't have any motivation to prepare my own food. When I eat healthy it's something that requires minimal effort---cereal and soy milk, apples and peanut butter. I'm not being too harsh with myself about it, but am feeling the effects in terms of energy and body fat (too much carbs, not enough protein and greens).

Planning to workout tonight at 5:00. That's it!! Be powerful!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

BBG, those are some strong weights! Military pressing 60 and cleaning 80 - way to go!!!!

I totally know how you feel about not feeling like preparing food. I get that way a lot actually...that's why I am really bad about eating lunch. If you can afford it, I would suggest treating yourself to a good salad bar for a few days (Whole Foods, or Willy St Co-op...or maybe check out the UW Hospital salad bar?).

Those workouts were tough though - keep it up!