Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fun on the football field

I went to a football field for a line drill workout. I did three sets of:

1. run 3x
2. high knees 3x
3. buttkickers 3x
4. skipping 3x
5. skaters 3x
6. lateral slides 6x
7. kareoke 6x
8. crawling 4x
9. 20 burpees

Then I went rowing for an hour (that part wasn't on the football field). :D

The line drill workout was hard. I want to work up to 5 times through the whole thing, but my legs were still sore from Saturday's workout anyway. It was also hot and sunny...91 degrees when I was out there. Now I'm sitting in DH's lab, waiting for him to finish so that we can go home and make dinner. I'm hungry! Be strong!

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