Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Hey tough chicks!

Whew...I have been so busy. Went to Door County last weekend and didn't really workout, but did a lot of hiking in Peninsula State Park.

I over-trained last Wednesday and couldn't move for a few days. It was a 15/15 of lunges, swings ( I did 1-arm snatches with the 16K instead), Plyo Push-ups and body rows. I did the full plyo push-ups and I did cliff hangers. WOW! talk about sore!

I was able to snatch the 20k kettlebell the other day!!!! I have been trying to get it up for a while now.

Be Strong!


madison said...

Good for you gunshow! Have had a few days off myself, due to work schedule etc... Taught a bunch of yoga Monday and Tuesday though. Good work on your progress! Take time to let those muscles heal!

Anonymous said...

no seriously, are you like, superheroes, and these are your stage names!? 60 Day Challengers? I am looking at your workouts, and diets, and you are rockstars! The new MBG site links to your blog, so I know you have lots of fans...

K-Smash said...

A 20 kg snatch! Thats quite a milestone!! Congrats!! Keep it up!

amber said...

Ooh, Door county. Its a beautiful time of year to be there, with the color change.

20kg snatch!!!! That's HOT! We should do a LOBO KB workout soonish, to give each other some moral support.