Saturday, October 14, 2006

Long week

Wow...its been a long week, with plenty of ups and downs...

Today DH and I worked out with Crossfit Central. Great group of people. We did a kettlebell workout (I brought my KBs). Started out with a farmers walk, while walking around looking for the group. :) Warmed up with squats, pushups, line drills, Bergener's warmup, and a little KB practice. The workout was three sets of 50 pullups and 50 single KB swings with a partner - so you and your partner had to get to 50 together, not each. The swings were to straight overhead with two hands on one KB, and the pullups were all different variants - regular, jumps, or body rows. I was partnered with DH, so I tried to do more of the reps so that DH wouldn't strain his injured hand too much. On the third round, I pumped out 40 body rows divided up in three sets - 15, 10, and 15 - because DH was wasted. Then we finished with KB bear crawls. I need to work on those!

Friday - ran 3 miles (steady med-hard pace)
Thursday - way too busy to fit a workout in - I know, I stink.
Wednesday - ran 3 miles (hard intervals)
Tuesday - 15/15 workout with 10 minutes of pushups and pullups; 10 minutes of KB front squats and deadlifts; 6 minutes of situps.
Monday - I was a lazy@$$ - no workout
Sunday - sprint pyramid

OK, the 15/15 was cool. DH kept track of my reps:
Pushups: 11, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 10, 10...then I did 6 more to make it 100 total
Pullups (with assistance from DH): 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2 (jumps), 2 (jumps), 1, 0, 0
Front squats with 2x12 kg: 10 sets of 5
Deadlifts with 2x12kg (way too light): 8, 7, 9, 9, 9, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9
Situps (this is what was really cool): 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 14, 15
The last set of situps took a little longer than 15 seconds, but I wanted to hit 15...

Trying to eat clean...breakfast has been either oatmeal (
real oatmeal) with blueberries and soy protein powder, or a ton of sauteed veggies (broccoli, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, cabbage) and some eggs (usually 1 egg and some egg whites). I have been really bad about eating lunch. Sometimes I manage a salad, sometimes its cottage cheese and fruit. Snacks are usually apples, almonds, a whole-grain granola bar, some plain yogurt, or raisins. Dinners have been pretty good - lots of broccoli, some squash or sweet potato, cauliflower. This week I've made some baked mango-chipotle chicken...some Thai curry tilapia...watercress salad and teriyaki tofu...last night was teriyaki salmon, baked sweet potato, and steamed asparagus. Drinking lots of green tea, some soymilk, some skim milk, and tons of water.

OK, so I have a weakness...raisins. I
cannot keep raisins in the house!! I obsess over them and crave them no more raisins. :( Writing about them now makes my mouth water...

Frustrations and incidents:
OK, so a few frustrations on the job front...some of its pretty personal, so email me and I'll tell you about it...I'll be back to visit and deal with job stuff next month sometime...I'm planning to stick around for a couple weeks, so I'm going to email Jon and let him know that I will be available to teach and sub anytime while I'm back.

So last night when I was running, there was this couple walking on the path. They had that wussy fake-gangster look. As I run, I always stay to the right side of the path, which is wide enough for 5 people to walk side by side. The girl moves over so that she is directly in my path, and tilts her head way back so that she's looking down her nose at me. She had a really smug look on her face. It was pretty obvious that she purposely moved into my path to make me move out of her way. I had this hilarious thought to drop my shoulder and tackle her, but I have too much common sense for that...and my training is way too important... So I just moved to the left side of the path and ran by them while they snickered. She has no idea how stupid she looked...but whatever. Why are people so stupid?

Well, that's my week. I am thinking about doing some pushups and situps later today...maybe...
I hope you have a great weekend! Be strong, ladies!


amber said...

K-smash, I'm sorry about your frustrations with work, but I must say I'm excited to have you back for a bit!

As always, your workouts sound fantastic. Don't beat yourself up about days off. You know well enough that if you don't feel like working out, its probably time for a day off!

madison said...

I second bupees' remarks. I want to say something about the experience of working out in public and dealing with others. The whole "challenging" space is about power. I used to run into that a lot when I lived in L.A. and I'd walk or ride my bike a lot. The goal, I think, was to try and see if you would look scared, or pissed off. People who are insecure or feel like they don't have any legitimate power will force a confrontation by violating or challenging your personal space. I learned to do two things. Move like water around a rock (which you did). And I change the frame---give a big grin and a hello even if someone looks angry, and keep on moving. That's how you get to change their personal space. You're awesome!

Tough Chick said...

Great advice BBG!