Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bad days happen...

4 rounds: 30 overhead lunges(with 12kg overhead with one arm - switch arms after 15), 30 snatches (15 each side - first two rounds 12kg, second two rounds 16kg), 10 side press (12 kg - 5 each side).

1 mile easy run.

I was thinking about doing pushups, chins, and situps later, but I don't know. I feel very, very "off" today...even though I always drink water and tea, I feel dry and dehydrated. Its probably because I ate some garbage food yesterday. I was up way too late last night, working on my resume, so I didn't get nearly enough sleep. I'm also allowing frustration to affect I woke up angry, sad, and somewhat apathetic...I didn't feel very positive when I did my workout this morning, which certainly didn't help.

These days happen...I'll be at my volunteer job for most of the day, so that should help me be more positive. My plan is to make sure I eat extra fruits and veggies today, and to go to bed very early tonight. Then I'll feel like myself again tomorrow.

Be strong.

1 comment:

madison said...

Hey K-Smash! It sounds like you are in touch with both how you feel and what's contributing to it...You are really doing a good job of staying with what works---your workouts, your nutrition (even though it's not possible to be at the top of a game with either of these all the time). Take time out to laugh. Have you seen little miss sunshine? You're brilliant!