Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Small breakthrough

Well, I had to stay home yesterday to get a new boiler put in my house (sets the average homeowner back $4000, thank you very much). On the good side, it's more energy efficient so I will start to save a little over time on my heating bills. The old one was the original with the house. I know this has nothing to do with working out, but it did get me home for the day, and I was able to run out and find running shoes, in my size (not a typical size) on sale for $20 and there were 2 pairs in stock so I bought them both. So, in spite of the cold, I went for a 3 mile run last night because I always love to run outside and not doing it was really blocking me from doing anything because even when I don't want to do anything, I can always manage to work up the energy to do that. So, that helps with at least a small part of the exercise/workout slump. Then, I will be signing up for a dance class (hopefully trapeze, but we'll see if I can get in...). I also decided to start keeping a food journal. I am tired of feeling so disempowered around my food and nutrition. Even when I'm eating healthy I feel like I am not being completely authentic about my appetite and I always feel I'm at the whim of my cravings. When they aren't bad, I manage well and eat well. When they kick in, I have no resources or strategies for dealing with them in an effective way, and it's not like I haven't been working at it for a long time, a very long time. So, I'm thinking a journal will at least help me become more aware that I'm in charge, I'm making the choices, whatever they may be, and I won't be so hijacked by my feelings. You guys are great! Be strong!!!

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