Tuesday, September 12, 2006

All about my feet...

Did the body power class last night... Still having trouble with my feet, especially the right one. We were doing 20 reps in each set of down dog, hindu, or dive bomber presses, renegade rows, and lunges. The renegade rows and lunges were 20 total, ten each side. Then 200 jump rope forward and backwards. Then repeat as many times as possible in 30 minutes. I didn't push myself too hard. Did hindus, renegades with the 16 Ks. and lunges with the 16s as well. Instead of jump rope I did hindu squats to save my feet and try to work the extension through the back of my heel. Jonny helped me with some high energy yoga and we worked on having me stand with my heels to the wall, and bend my knees, staying straight, and really maintaining the action back through the heel against the wall. It really helped set my alignment. This morning when I woke up, limped over to the wall, did the action for about a minute, and then was able to walk, without any pain (!!!!!) even down the stairs. How amazing that is. That is the first time in many months that I have not had pain walking down the stairs in the morning. Another thing Jonny recommended was that I keep returning to the pose in order to reset my ankles and feet rather than trying to change how I walk, or mindfully find the action as I'm doing an everyday thing. That is different for me, because my tendancy is to try to train my mechanics all the time. So, I'm giving that a try. My ankle feels tweeky again already. Maybe I'll take my shoes off and stand against the wall for a while in the little cubicle farm where I work. Tonight I'm doing the 5:00 FIT. (Hope you try it out guns... we can meet a little early or later to work on what might help your feet!).

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