Tuesday, September 05, 2006

September 5, 2006

Allergies still kicking my ass.

Went on vacation last week. Spent most of the time on the couch trying to breathe... Want to get back into working out, but need to stay mindful of my condition. I know the allergy-related challenges of the last 6 months will help me train better, live better, but right now, I'm feeling so ready for this to be over, or at least better. More than anything, I'm tired of feeling tired, all the time. Did get some classes in while on vacation last week, but not many. Ate a lot of pasta and other carbs. Bad for me, I know, but wanted to momentary pleasure, so indulged. Will see the allergist in a week and a half. Am calling to let them know that it's not going well. Looking forward to a LOBO on Thursday!


Tough Chick said...

I can relate to having allergies as well. I dont have them as bad, but the ragweed has been killing me the past couple of weeks :(

Hopefully I will see you Wed evening :)

K-Smash said...

What time are you guys working out Wednesday evening? Can you tell me what the FIT workouts for this Thursday and Friday are?

Do you think you are feeling tired from the allergies? Or could it be some sort of nutrient deficiency? Hang in there - you'll get through it!!!!!

I hope you feel better quick, BBG!!! I need you to kick my booty on Thursday!

Tough Chick said...

I hope I am working out at 5, but if I cant get out of here in time then 6 for sure. Will you be here then?

amber said...

Thursday is a 30/30 alternating w/JR and stationary exercises.

Friday I can't remember.

You probably won't even see this before it helps!