Friday, September 08, 2006

Machines are for Sissies

Feeling Good!!

Terrific workout last night!!! Not too much soreness for me... I know I was using a lighter weight for my cleans, swings, and squats than I normally would, but I need to respect my health/energy right now. I was feeling a lot of tightness in my hip flexors and tweaky feet, which I know happens when I do cleans. That move must really activate my "old" script for over-compensating on my hamstrings. I think that if I were to really focus on some action back through the heels and the thighs I would work that differently, but I direct a lot of my attention to my coordination of the movement itself...

Talking and catching up as we went through the workout was fun, despite the chauvinism from the peanut gallery. True, we might call the work out "salon of pain" rather than "house of pain." I think it was probably more elegant the way we did it than as described by Jonny. K-Smash, do not stress over your fitness. You will find your stride at your new digs in Texas. It is so cool to hear about how your standards for fitness compare to those of the other folks you've connected with since your move.

Today, so far, I've had cereal (Natures Path Energy Start) with nonfat yogurt and blueberries, a slice of carrot nut pumpkin bread, and about 5 cups of coffee. I'm not going to editorialize about any of that. I'm tired of feeling like a crackhead when I have a dinner of wine and pasta. I know I feel better when I eat healthier, but I also know that compulsion is what it is...O.K. I guess I did editorialize. Getting a massage tonight. See you all tomorrow for a good workout!

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