Saturday, September 23, 2006

Triumphant Day

I went to a free community workout given by Crossfit Central. They are having a big fundraiser workout next week to raise money for prostrate cancer research, so today's workout was a practice for next week. Next week they are doing Crossfit's "Fight Gone Bad" workout.

So we had five stations, and we spent about 5 minutes at each station, rotating within our small group and getting coached on technique.

1. Rowing on the Concept II rowing machine
2. Box jumps
3. Push presses
4. Sumo deadlift highpulls
5. Wall ball

First station was a nice warm up - I need to learn to go faster on the machines though. I did 3 x 1 min on an ~18 inch box for the box jumps. Felt good. Third station was push presses with Olympic bars. I did my first minute interval with 55 lbs. Then in the second and third minutes, another lady and I traded on and off with the 45 lb bar. One of the coaches pointed out that I stopped doing push presses and started doing military presses with the 45 lb bar.
Highpulls were very challenging for me, as I haven't done those before with the bar, and I had this fear of smashing the bar into my knees...I'm sure I'll be better at it next time I try it. Wall ball was OK. I was tired by that point. This workout actually made me feel very out of shape. I was thinking that I really had to step my training up a notch.

After the Crossfit workout was over, I headed down to Town Lake to go rowing. I almost didn't go because of the weather, but I decided to go see how the water looked. It looked fine, a little choppy, but not bad, so I went out for a little over an hour.

So why, if I felt out of shape, was this day triumphant? This morning when I got up, I was very, very close to wimping out and not going to Crossfit...and if I hadn't gone to Crossfit, I probably wouldn't have gone rowing either, because the weather looked iffy...but I told myself "no excuses!," got my butt out the door and got both workouts done, and now I can enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!

Oh yeah, and I did three sets of pushups before I hit the shower! Alrighty ladies, be strong!!!


madison said...

Good for you, K-smash! Show up and fitness will follow!

Tough Chick said...

Good follow through. I am glad that you did not let excuses keep you from two great workouts. So, were your oars idiotic????

K-Smash said...

No, my oars were not idiotic this time, but honestly, I didn't like the feel as much as I liked the idiotic oars. I think next time I'm going idiotic again. :D

amber said...

That crossfit workout sounds great! I do some of their workouts for Power60, and do them on my own when I need a change of pace. Its a nice change to charge through a prescribed workout AFAP, with total workout time only being 15 or 20 minutes. Gets you wasted in a new way.