Thursday, September 21, 2006

On the upswing!

Good workout yesterday with gunshow. Had a 15/15 that we adapted to counting reps for 10 sets of each exercise so that we weren't locked onto the clock. In the end that was:
5 hindu push-ups
6 body rows (with the rope rather than jungle gym so I could work my grip for aerial dance)
5 hanging leg lifts with straight legs
8 lunges each leg (no resistance) jumped for last 3 sets

We took a break after our ten sets of the first two exercises and then did the lower body/core. I felt refreshed, could have pushed harder, but it was good overall.

Nutrition wasn't so good. Had a breakfast social/staff meeting at work which, when everyone is asked to bring something is basically a fat and carb feast. Need to plan better how I'm going to approach those situations so that I don't lose the social experience. Ate a very light dinner much later. Will have a delicious salad today for lunch. Taking FIT at 5:00.

Be strong!!

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