Saturday, September 30, 2006

My opinion of line drills

Today DH and I went to a local track in a county park, where we can also use the football field. A lot of tracks at local high schools are open to the public, but you have to stay off the field. So anyway, we warmed up by doing MBG style line drills on the field...3 sets of 15 yards for each exercise, just as if we were at the MBG.

Then we did the workout:

100 meters walking lunges
800 meter run
100 squats

I got this workout from Crossfit, and the objective was to get this done as quickly as possible. I wasn't too terribly pleased with our time. We finished in 13:32...I did the whole thing; DH stopped at 75 squats. Its OK though...I'll improve....this is definitely a workout to keep.

So here's my opinion of line drills...they're awesome. They are really, really, really good for fitness. I know people at the MBG complain about doing line drills too much, but they want to be fit, right? Then tell them to do their line drills and eat their broccoli and stop complaining. I have to admit that I have been bad...very undisciplined. I haven't done REAL MBG line drills since I moved down here...until today. And they kicked my @$$!!!!!!! I felt like I was losing a little of my fitness edge on the FIT side of things, and I think I know why now. Yeah, I run and I row, but I haven't done line drills... I decided that this week, one of my workouts is going to be a pure line drill workout. I think I will do 5 sets of line drills...and maybe a set of burpees or something like that between each full set of line drills. Or maybe I should do that line drill pyramid workout, but with all the line drill stuff, plus frog hops, and traveling burpees...that would be good...what do you guys think?


amber said...

Line drills are great. They are the thing that made me most dead when I first started at the gym. I think doing them as a workout is a great idea! Or a warmup.

Tough Chick said...

I hate line drills, which means they must be good for you! You are inspiring me to do more of them. Let us know how the workout goes! Maybe we should try it too!