Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I'm Baaaack

I feel amazing! Getting sick sucked, but I took that opportunity to do a fruit/veggie fast like guns did. Then I went back to a real diet, but have really been upping the veggies. I gave myself a full week off of working out (exception: long walks whenever I wanted and stretching).

Diet so far today: raspberry/strawberry/kale/banana smoothie, couscous with veggies and shrimp, and a plum. And a Diet DrPepper, those are such a problem for me!

I came back to workouts Tuesday. I was supercharged; I haven't gone that hard in FIT in forever! I woke up this morning and my butt/thighs hurt from our lunge to sprint combo. Hurt in that good way, you know?

Today I went to the noon BP, which was static holds. I left there both spent and refreshed, I felt really activated holding poses and it really did good things to my posture.

I think my body needed the break, so in some ways I'm glad I got sick. I've been working out maybe too much. At any rate the intensity was gone, but I think I've got it back!


madison said...

Terrific!! I hope we'll be meeting up tonight for yoga. I too have had some small struggles with my diet this last week and have been really keeping to the fruit and veggie diet. I have to admit, I feel really good. I'll be staying with it through the weekend, so will go light on LOBO Friday and skip FIT on Saturday.

amber said...

I wish I could go to yoga. But my ER shift is 6-2 tonight. Next week I start a daytime rotation, so I will be able to make it then.