Monday, September 11, 2006

A fool for FIT

I did my second fit class ever on Saturday morning. It was really awesome! I was dreading going and was making up stories about how it was too hard and that I wouldn't be able to do it and that I would look funny...well all of that was for nothing, because it felt really good and was fun. I have decided to start going at least once per week and am hoping that it will help reverse my recent weight gain.

My heels have been hurting though and all of that running and jumping did something horrible to them. I could barely walk by Saturday afternoon and they still hurt. I have always had flat feet, but before my surgery was never really able to run, jump, or walk very far so have never really had any foot problems. I read some stuff on the web that basically said that lack of arch support leads to heal pain and all sorts of yucky stuff. I bought some shoe inserts with the hope that they will help until I figure out what I should do. All I know is that I am not willing to give up activity. Do any of you have any suggestions?

My diet was good all weekend until last night when I ate pizza. It was a veggie pizza, which makes it a tad bit better, but not really :)

Be Strong!

1 comment:

madison said...

Hey guns! That is wonderful about the fit class, but a bummer about your feet. I would highly recommend some high energy yoga, and set your expectations that just the yoga practice on its own will not take care of the problem. You will need to identify poses and feedback, with an instructor or someone with HEY experience, and then continually revisit the poses and feedback until your mechanics sort out so that you are not making the pain worse. Then it will be a matter of continually practicing to develop the strength in your arches so that you can continue to train and improve. You can do it!!!