Thursday, September 21, 2006

Feeling Frustrated

Thanks for the workout yesterday BBG. I did enjoy myself, despite the fact that I spent most of it feeling frustrated.

I tried to do hindus and my shoulder hurt too bad, so I did down dogs for most of our sets and at the end I switched to the green cable and just did presses. The body rows felt challenging and I can feel myself wanting to cheat my way through them. Then my knees were hurting on the lunges. I wanted to do the hang and v-up, but BBG pointed out that I couldn't even get close without collapsing my shoulders. My ego took over and I just felt frustrated for most of the workout. GRRRRRRR. I decided to do some snatches at the end and those made me feel better :)

Thanks again for the feedback BBG, I really appreciate it and know that I won't get stronger if I continue to cheat!

My diet has been great. Yesterday I ate yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch and veggie soup, edamame, and strawberries for dinner. Today I have eaten two plums, a cucumber w/hummus, some low fat plain yogurt with source of life mixed in, and left over veggie soup. Oh, and some dried fruit and nuts!

Be strong


K-Smash said...

We all have those days with super frustrating workouts. Don't dwell on it too much. You've made so much progress in the last few months, its amazing. Doing something that makes you positive (like the snatches) at the end of the workout is a great thing to do! BBG's feedback is always really insightful (and humbling!) :)

One question - do you think you are getting enough protein in your diet? It looks like you could use some more protein to me...also make sure that you are taking in a wide variety of foods so that you get all the essential nutrients...

Tough Chick said...

Hey there! I think I am getting enough protein. I ate a beef patty on Monday and have been eating yogurt and source of life supplement everyday. Plus we are getting bags full of edamame from the farm so I have been eating at least a cup of that a day for the past couple of weeks. My veggie soup has beans in it and I eat almonds almost every day as well. Does that sound like enough? Oh and I had eggs on Tuesday too :)

amber said...

That amount of protein is probably not enough. Jon's rule is 1g per pound of lean body weight. That's a lot! If you can get 75% of that, I'd say that is decent. Here's a site that can tell you how much protein is in your food: