Sunday, June 10, 2007


That's what I felt like today. It was a beautiful day outside, but I just couldn't get in the mood to do anything. I wanted to do some yardwork, so I cut the lawn and tried to plan some landscaping. I'm having a LOT of trouble figuring out what low-maintenance plants to put in. This is not as easy as I imagined at all.

My workout was similarly uninspired. I did a 5X5 of:
handstand pushups
deadlifts with 155#
PW rollouts. I went until my nose hit the floor; they were HARD!

After the workout, I crashed big-time; I felt so tired. So I've been sitting around and looking online for gardening ideas. I think I'm more than ready to start work!


madison said...

Sounds like an excellent workout! You should feel those PW rollouts today, no? I've restrategized about my landscaping. Basically, what I've learned is there is nothing low maintenance. When you take care of a house, or any land for that matter, it's a constant negotiation between your plans, and nature's plans for the space. It's like a family relationship. No opting out, regardless of commitment, it's there. Have fun!

K-Smash said...

So today is the big day - the first day. I hope it is going well! I can't wait to hear about it!

I'm impressed with your PW rollouts! Nice!

amber said...

The PW rollouts really burned my core and back!! Its still pretty sore. I think I may start working on PW rollouts from a stand :)