Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Originally I was going to do a card deck, but flipping cards sounded like too much work, so I decided to do 100's AFAP. Then, watching a clock sounded like a lot of work, so I just did 100 total, broken into sets of 10 for the most part. I guess I was having an indecisive day!

warmup: jump rope play, working on crossovers forward and back, doubles, and direction changes for about 7 minutes.

workout: 100's of each
pushups (first 30 done with PPU)
body rows (90 deg. under chinup bar)
squats (butt touching 4k med ball on floor in 'down' position)
stability ball curls

I've noticed that body rows are much harder for me on a bar than they were on a jungle gym. I'm not sure why that is. Maybe because I can't use wrist rotation as leverage?


madison said...

Sounds like a good workout. And a good approach. When I'm working out alone at home, it helps to be able to just count as opposed to using a timer etc... I think doing an exercise differently always feels more difficult at first. The other consideration is just how much "movement" you had using the jungle gym. Even a slight swing adds a little lift, and that's not possible with a stationary bar.

amber said...

yeah I bet I did use a little swing. Its hard not to cheat sometimes, even without realizing it.

I want to get a timer like the gym has but have not found a cheap version yet. Its on the bottom of the long list of things I want to buy.

madison said...

OOOOh. I hear housewarming, or, why not just marry the BF so that you can register for all that stuff! Just kidding. Do I sound bitter? I'm having a bad post-divorce spell just now.

amber said...

oh, I understand the bitterness. I personally think that gift registries are silly; its basically telling people exactly what to get you as a gift. I like to be surprised sometimes. But I digress . . .

I'd like to get married for some reasons. Like cheaper insurance for us, and things of that nature. Not necessarily the right things though. That's why I'm still single! Its bad divorce post-feelings like yours that remind me to approach that decision cautiously and with lots of thought :)

madison said...

Thanks for the understanding honey. You are wise. I'm sure you'll make a good choice when the time is right for you. I feel less bitter today. Mostly because I'm too sore and physically toasted!

amber said...

hey, if sore and toasted works, more power to you! Exercises beats lots of other 'vices!'