Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Solstice You Witches!

What a beautiful morning to begin the longest day of the year! It's turning ugly and stormy out now, but the sunrise was pretty and I had a great FIT workout at 6:30. Wanna hear it here it goes...

10 minute warm-up with agility ladder

Line drills workout: 5 x through each line drill followed by 4 30 on 30 off in place exercise:

1. High Knees ---- Hindu squats
2. Lateral slides---- Skaters
3. Butt Kickers----- Mt. Climbers
4. Cariocas (sp?)---- Jumping Jacks
5. Crawling----- Sprint in Place

6. Core: 2X Inch Worms----- 2 X Touch backs

It was lovely! Be strong!


madison said...

I meant that you do the in place exercise 4 x...

K-Smash said...

Hmmm, I wonder if I could get my Crossfit class to do this one...the gym is so little, and there's no nice grassy area nearby to go workout at. If there's a small class it might work though. I remember doing something like this a couple times - its a good one!

amber said...

gotta love the line drills workout :)