Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dancin' fool

Had a great workout yesterday w/MBG staff. I love how strong people are at that place! Warm-up was a mile run (I didn't bring shoes to run so jumped rope instead). Then workout was decending resistance increasing reps kettle bell clean and press. I started with 2 reps of the 20 ks. We were supposed to go for 2.5 minutes, alternating with a partner until each did 5 sets. (the timing thing threw me off. I couldn't get all my sets in in time). So, I did 4 sets. Then 5 sets with 16 ks for 3 reps per set. Then 5 sets with 12 ks for 4 reps per set. Then 5 sets of 5 reps with 8 ks. Anyway, I liked it for the reps, got messed up with the time. We finished with 5 sets of 5 PW rollouts with alternate leg extentions.

The workout for the noon class, which I watched part of, was really cool too, and I want to try it sometime. With two kettlebells, start in push-up position, do a renegade row each side (kettlebell comes back toward the hip), then do a push-up, then jump feet forward to forward flexion position, clean the kettle bells, push-press, then lower and repeat. Do about 2 to 3 reps per set alternating with a partner for 15 minutes. It looked like it kicked! I would like to try it with the 16 ks.

I'm off to dance this afternoon. It will be hot but fun!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...


Yes, the gym I'm at is great...but its not the MBG! :(

The workouts sound great! I'd like to try that second one too. They both sound fun.