Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Sounds like you girls are having some great workouts and enjoying life! Excellent! Keep that energy up!

Let's see...I've been busy, so I have a couple decent workouts to post.

Warm-up: agility ladder with DH

Workout: 21-15-9 Deadlifts and down-dog pushups off a 20" box. I think I started with 135 lbs for 10, then cut back to 125 lbs to work on form, then back to 135 lbs. I think my last set of 9 I did at 145, but I can't remember now.

Sunday I was supposed to run, but I ran out of time instead of out the door. :) I should have gone earlier in the day, and then once it gets over 90 degrees out, my motivation evaporates.

Monday - ran 3 miles in the morning (it was already warm!), and later did another workout. Three rounds of jumprope (50 revs), 15 pushups, 4 pullups (not quite full, but almost), 15 situps, 10 back extensions, and 10 overhead squats with a pvc pipe. Then after all that, I did 7 sets of 3 back squats, starting at 95 lbs for the first set, 105 for the second set, and 115 for all the other sets.

With these last couple workouts, I felt that I could definitely go a bit heavier on the deadlifts and the squats, but I really wanted to work on form too. I haven't done a lot of those exercises lately, so I wanted to make sure I could move the following day too. :)

Today is a rest day, thank goodness! I only got 4-5 hours of sleep last night.

Be strong!


madison said...

Yowza! You are amazingly strong K-smash. Good work balancing form with resistance. Was talking with Jessie awhile back, and she said that she really does stick to the plan of taking a full week of very light workouts every six weeks or so---only light resistance/stability level, no serious strain for 7 days (no skimping). She said that for her, everytime she comes off a rest week, she makes a jump in strength. Just a reminder about the benefit of rest!

amber said...

I like the low-rep, lots of exercises circuit you put together. I might just imitate that!