Friday, June 08, 2007

Good rest=Good workout

Have been going to bed amazingly early this week. Just fried after sitting in a workshop all day. I overdid my training yesterday, as I already noted. Went to bed around 7:30 (yes, it was still light out but I was ready to sleep!). Did the a.m. workout this morning. The workout was:
As many times through as possible in 30 minutes.
20 push-ups (high box)
20 chin-ups
20 box jumps (high box)
20 pw roll-outs
20 cable cleans (green band)
then run around the building

Because yesterday ended up being such a blow-out exercise and nutrition wise, I decided to halve the reps for each set. I didn't run around the building either because I was working out barefoot, but I did do 5 minutes of jump rope after I went through the circuit twice. It felt really good. MBG has these very stiff foam gymnastic mats that can be used as boxes (one is about mid thigh. Because they are bigger and have a very slight give, they are great for box jumps. No mental freak out about the box moving or tipping. I used one that came up to mid thigh. I haven't felt safe to try jumping that high for a long time. It was fun! Riding my bike to work still. I love that! Be strong! Go fast! Smile pretty!

1 comment:

amber said...

nice job on box jumps; I know what you mean about forgiving and fun to jump onto!