Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Its a roller coaster!

Holy cats! Hot and humid is back! Although from looking at the weather online, it doesn't look like its much better in WI either.

I ended up taking three days off, and today, no pain in my leg! Yay!

I totally fell off the CF program, but I'll try to find the time to fit in a run tomorrow and try to pick up the missed workouts before the end of the month.

Today I did my own workout which I will also count towards the CF pullup workout from yesterday. My pullups are still quite lacking, so this felt like a great alternative. I did 5 circuits of: 1 underhand pullup from full extension with the tips of my toes resting on the ground; 20 pushups; 30 situps. (Warm-up was a slow 1000 m row and playing with jump ropes).

My diet is still F- in my book - too much "I'm too tired to make food." I'm trying. At 5:30 a.m. this morning, before work and after dumping coffee ALL OVER my kitchen, I had a granola bar, and after my morning sessions I had some oatmeal. Then before going back to work this afternoon, I ran out of time and resorted to a protein bar and a peach. I broke down and bought a salad for lunch on my break (I am against buying prepared food right now for financial and health reasons - more financial). I ate some trail mix (not healthy trail mix) and fruit as a snack, and I am going to make baked chicken, steamed broccoli, and salad for dinner. If I could eliminate the processed crap and replace it all with whole foods, I would feel better about it. No more cereal or bars...whole foods. That's the goal. Get back to what makes me feel awesome.

Anyway, that's what's up. Hope you are all having a great week and some kickin' workouts!

1 comment:

madison said...

Sounds like the rest did you a lot of good! And, for the record, when you "grade" yourself, keep in mind that the grade system needs to apply to all students' abilities, not just the stellar ones like you! I took yesterday and monday off. I feel tired, and I think it was a delayed reaction to really overdoing it on the weekend. Today, I think I'll take a bikeride. At least it's not humid!