Friday, June 22, 2007

Woo Hoo Noon Workout!

I love the Friday noon workouts at MBG! Met up with Malibu Barbie Teri and did the card deck with all those strong beasts. Exercises were:

Hip slaps (facing the wall)
Lunges (jump with arms crossed across chest)
Body rows
Swings (24 K)

I could have used the 28K for the swings. Hell. Let's face it. I could have used the 32 if I reallly wanted to massacre myself. But I needed one exercise that was lighter because those other 3 really kicked! Hip slaps were new to me. You go into almost vertical handstand position and shift weight from hand to hand so that you can bring each hand up to tap your hip---count them like lunges. It was a good core workout too, because I learned that I could only get through them by really working my leg each side and stabilizing my core to keep my spine nice and light. Love them! I'm toasted now. Burpees, I've seen you do these at the power level version: facing out from the wall. It's an intense workout! Have fun!!!


madison said...

I forgot to add... If you don't slap hard enough for someone to hear you across the room, it doesn't count!

K-Smash said...

Nice work, BBG!

I miss the noon workout at the MBG. Oh heck, I miss all the classes at the MBG.

I'm going to have to try those hip slaps sometime.

amber said...

yep, those are fun. As a gymnast, I used to do them without any wall :)

madison said...

I thought about you when we were doing them Burpees! I was SORE the next day and even had a very sharp pain in my left shoulder that went away after 24 hours.