Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Toasted Shoulders

Between the hindus and chins yesterday, trapeze on Sunday, and all those hip slaps on Friday, I only did half of the set workout for this morning. Wannahearit?Hereitis!

30 minutes: 300 yards crawling and 3000 jump rope.

I went for 30 minutes and made it to 150 yards crawling and 1500 jump rope. Could have gotten a lot more crawling in, but I really struggled with the jump rope. I used a heavy green one. Why? Because I'm an idiot. So, stopped when I realized that finishing for my ego would ruin my week. Have a good one! Hope your new house is coming together for you K-smash! Hope you are remembering to take care of yourself Burpees! Remember, only 80 hours!


K-Smash said...

Holy cow, BBG! Your workouts ROCK!! You are doing AWESOME!

I love reading your posts!!!!!

It takes a lot of mental strength and discipline to discern when your ego is pushing your body past the point of benefit...good job on tapping into that and doing what's healthy. If I could take my own advice, I'd be Superwoman...

madison said...

Hey! K-smash, you may not be THE superwoman, but you are a superwoman! Hang in there!