Thursday, June 07, 2007

4-hour hike in Shenandoah nat'l forest. Very hilly hike, and beautiful weather, sunny but shady in the forest obviously, and mid 70's. Tired me out more than I anticipated!

30 min jogging tour of the neighborhood (its so cute!)
ab card deck: situps, PW rollout, leg lifts (low reps done hanging, high reps done on floor), and touchdowns with 5k.

40's of: Dball clean and press with 60#, Dball snatch with 40#, foot up lunge with 40#, one leg stability ball curls, one leg full extensions with magenta cable
Then 4 minutes of thinker in each direction (prone and sides, that is). Done as 1-minute blocks, 2 minutes total on each side.

Overall I'm feeling pretty good. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep, which feels amazing. The only complaint I have is that there's not enough to do in the day! I start work next Tuesday, which I'm looking forward to. My diet is pretty good; including veggies with every meal, but we did go out and get pizza last night from this semi-world-famous place in Crozet. Still doing a smoothie or juice+ bagel with peanut butter for breakfast.


K-Smash said...

Wow, everything sounds awesome! That hike sounds amazing. If I can take weekends off when I'm in VA, maybe we can go hiking there together sometime.

I really like the ab card deck. That gives me a great idea for class. We could do a super short workout, and then an ab card deck. I think a good workout would be 100 walking lunges, 800 m run, 100 squats, then the ab card deck.

That's so funny that you feel like there's not enough to do in a day. I always have more to do than time to do it in... :) Too many interests, too many hobbies...

Good to hear that you are getting settled and that you're happy out there! :)

madison said...

Sounds like you are finding some really fun things to do and places to go. I'm sure you'll be busy enough soon! Try to hang onto those 8 hours!