Sunday, February 04, 2007

0 to 300 in 2 years

OK, if that was a car, it would suck...and be very scary. But no, that's referring to my pushups. When I joined the Monkey Bar in November 2004, I couldn't do a single pushup. I could cheat and do a couple pretend pushups, but no real, solid pushups.

Today I did 300. I could've done more maybe, but I was a little sore and decided that 300 would be a good goal for my first attempt at this sort of workout. I'll go for more next time. I was inspired by Guns training to do 500 in an hour. I decided to try it and do a set of 10 each minute. I did 300 in 33 minutes 40 seconds. Then I did 60 situps.

In other news, I am beyond depressed. I don't know what the hell the Bears are doing. They're not playing football...

Be strong.


amber said...

you never cease to impress me :) That's amazing for pushups! See what you can do after you give your body rest? (Even though it took stomach flu to get you to agree to some time off!)

I wish I was going through a peak in fitness, or even a lull. I'm in a deep, deep trough. sigh.

madison said...

Awesome! It's good to be able to look back and have some baseline/benchmark to remind yourself of how far you've come...I can't wait to see how far you go!