Thursday, February 01, 2007

on the road again

I'm doing some more traveling (as if I haven't gotten enough!). I was in Nashville earlier this week, and now I'm in Ann Arbor. Tomorrow I head to Indianapolis.

I've still been working out, although not to the extent I do at the gym. Yesterday was a card deck: pushups, burpees, capoira (sp?) lunges, and situps. Today my butt is sore, probably from lunges.

Today I am in a hotel with a tiny fitness room. I think I will do sprint 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, hopefully 3-4 miles worth. Then I need to do some PW pikeups and curls. And perhaps some jumprope as well. I think it will be a rather free-form workout!

I was at home visiting my parents between trips, so you can imagine that my diet is less than ideal. But I had egg whites with veggies this morning, a Wendy's frosty (so delicious, even though it is loaded with sugar) and salad for lunch, and I'm headed out here in Ann Arbor to find dinner (eek!)


madison said...

Ann Arbor has some good spots, also some very delicious, but less healthy spots. If you get a chance to go to the Cottage Inn for pizza, that is what I would do for a treat. You know, nutrition is not like surgery. Even a B or B+ average (which allows for some pretty bad scores, even failed lessons) will leave you with a good result!

K-Smash said...

Did you bring a PW with you or are you going to find a stab. ball? Those workouts sound really good.

Very interesting analogy with nutrition... Hmmm, I could use that to justify going to this place I heard about that apparently has some awesome ancho chili fudge pie. Ha ha!

amber said...

I can always justify a delicious B+ dinner. Too bad my diet hovers around a C average :) Surgery, however, is better.

I have a PW, it is on loan from a CNT at the gym.