Wednesday, February 21, 2007

traveling workout :)

Today's workout:

80 yd handstand walk (I did without wall)
100 yd rope climb (I have huge rope burns to prove it, too!)
80 yd lunges with 16k's
100 yd broad jumps

Then I played with the kb's to see how much weight I could clean, snatch, etc. The answer: not as much as I should be able to! I'm going to work on heavy kb exercises at least a couple of times a week, to try and improve on that.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Now that's an awesome workout. I can do a freestanding handstand yet. I can do them if I have a wall with no problem...can't figure out how to balance without the wall though.

I WISH I could climb a rope. I still can't do that either...that's a pretty sweet workout... Didn't take you long to come back! :D