Tuesday, February 06, 2007

So far, So good

Haven't been able to post for a few days, but things have been going well, in spite of the weather. I've been doing some fun card deck workouts the last few days, light and fun. Push-ups, foot-up lunges, sit-ups, and stability ball leg-curls on Saturday and then burpees, skaters, leg curls, and sit-ups on Sunday. Took yesterday off. Will probably do jump-rope tonight after class. Diet has been more manageable since my breakthrough last week. Still staying with the soy milk and cereal for breakfast, salads for lunch, some sort of healthy thing for dinner. Had one meal last week that was an indulgence in things Italian. I loved it and felt fine!

I did have one moment over the weekend when I thought about trying to create a more intense workout, but backed off in the interest of keeping my energy level high and not tapping into my frustration at not being where I was at a year ago. It worked too. Keep that good energy going!

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

I'm happy to see that you've had some good workouts. Card deck workouts are always awesome... :)