Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Back at it!!

Hey!! Yesterday's BP workout was great (thank you guns n burpee girl!). I think with a little further tweaking on my form I can move up to the 24ks for cleans and 20ks for presses. I didn't tackle it yesterday because I just wanted a good workout that would give me a sense of accomplishment, especially after the last two weeks. Taught the 6:30 and 7:30 classes this morning. Jump rope and stationary exercises---30 on 30 off for 12 minutes then repeat. Had time left in both classes so added on 5 minutes of suicide runs. HEY cooldown. Yesterday I had spinach salad with tuna fish for lunch. Had pasta for dinner, not ideal, but I'm feeling o.k. about it. I'll be heading back to the gym at the end of the day for class at 5:00. Brought my shoes so I'm hoping that my feet will be o.k. If they flare up, I'll just forget the jumping and only do actions that don't put too much pressure on the balls of my feet. Be strong!


K-Smash said...

BBG, you're an inspiration too! You are one strong lady! I'm really happy that this blog helps you - it helps me too, for sure!

Nice job on progressing with the KBs! Awesome!!!

Did I miss something with your feet? What's going on? Did you jump rope barefoot? I can never do that. I always hurt myself...

madison said...

Thanks for the support! I have a condition called Morton's Neuroma in both feet. There is a nerve that passes under the metatarsals and divides at the ball of the foot into the 3rd and 4th toe. When the area at the branch of the nerve gets inflamed, I have a sensation of the balls of my feet being painful and swollen, and they are a little bit. Then I start to walk funny in order to protect where it hurts, then I get twingy ankles etc... The flare up is caused by: shoes that don't fit, high heels, any sort of pounding (e.g., jump rope, mountain climbers, running especially down hill) basically anything that means repeated high impact on the balls of my feet. I've had it for over 15 years, only got diagnosed 5 years ago, and it seems to flare up more in summer than winter. Also, stress, diet, dehydration seem to cause flare ups. That's my story!

K-Smash said...

Oh, wow. I didn't know about that. It sounds like it would be very difficult to live around, but I've never been able to tell at the gym! :)