Tuesday, August 08, 2006


2 part workout...first part at the track, second part at home.

Part 1: 1 mile easy pace warm up. 10 x 100 m sprints. 0.5 mile cool-down.

Part 2: 4 sets of 5 clean>squat>press with 50 lb sandbag
4 sets of 30 sit-ups, as fast as possible (with hands behind head)

The sprints really took it out of me. It was about 85 degrees at the track, which isn't bad, but the sun was brutal. I'm still not used to that. (Amusing side note - there is a field next to the track that is just filled with sprawling cactus! What a sight!!) After I finished my sprints, I looked at the markings on the track a little more closely, and I suspect that I may have been doing 110 meters...but I'm not sure.

When I was coming home from the track, I decided that I would do 20 of the clean>squat>press, so that's I did...but I feel like I should be doing more. The sandbags are definitely more awkward than d-balls or KBs. In order to get the bag in the right position for the press, I need to do the clean explosively enough to actually toss the bag a little at the top of the clean so that I can get my hands underneath. If any of you guys ever decide to make sandbags the way I did, I would suggest making the inner weights relatively the same size and shape.

Well, that's it for now. I love reading your workouts, ladies!! You are impressive and inspiring!

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