Thursday, August 17, 2006

What is that sizzling sound?

Oh yeah...that's me...roasting. We had a high of 104 yesterday and 103 today.

So...yesterday, I woke up in pain. I was super stiff and sore from the card deck on Tuesday. I drove to the track and ran my mile warm up, during which I decided it probably wouldn't be the smartest thing to push myself too hard that day. So I decided to let myself run 5 sprints instead of 10. I ended up running 6. I took a looooong walk afterwards.

Today, I was still sore, but not as bad as yesterday. I did a 5x5 workout with weighted pushups, body rows off a box, power wheel pikes, and power wheel curls. I followed that up with 4 sets of situps, attempting to keep up a pace of one situp per second. I almost made it. I had originally planned to do my pushups with 50lbs on my back, but I was too spent from Tuesday for that, so I did them with 40lbs.

Nutrition has been decent lately. I've been having kale-blueberry-banana smoothies (YUM) for breakfast instead of cereal more often. I made some pretty awesome salmon tonight, with steamed veggies on the side. I've been eating more grains in general, but they are whole grains. That's where I could probably improve right now - a little less grains and a few more veggies. I've been eating a ton of fruit - maybe too much -- but when its this hot, I don't care. Its easy to get dehydrated in this weather, but fruit seems to help with that. I've been eating that hatch chili-tomatillo sauce on everything! The other morning I made eggs with tomatoes, black beans, squash, and chopped chilis. I ate them on a corn tortilla with a pile of lettuce, some guacamole, and the chili-tomatillo sauce. (Oh yeah, and when I said healthy guacamole, I meant with no mayo, sour cream, or weird ingredients - just avocado, lemon juice, jalepeno, and spices). I made a salad dressing yesterday that was interesting. I blended frozen blueberries, a bit of lemon juice, and some raspberry white balsamic vinegar.

Alrighty girls! Be tough!


Ilanna said...

OOH ok - (on the guacamole) - I never use sour cream or mayo in my guac anyway so I didn't know what you meant.

Mine is vidalia onion, avocados, salt, lemon and lime juice, and if i have any fresh, usually some cilantro as well. :)

Good that you aren't overdoing in the heat. It takes time to adjust.

Tough Chick said...

Hey you! Girl, your dedication continues to amaze me. It is awesome that you are staying so motivated without being able to go to the MB.

As far as your diet goes, it seems like you are running A LOT and maybe you need the exta grains. Of course I am all about over consumption of veggies :) Are you gaining weight or do the grains make you feel dumpy or lethargic? The smoothie is a great alternative to the morning cereal and a great way to get in a serving of your green leafy veggies. At any rate sounds like you are on track!