Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Let's see

Saturday: did FIT+ yoga on Sat. FIT was line drills, which were a good aerobic workout.

Sunday: went to Minneapolis to see the BodyWorld exhibit at their science museum. Its an exhibit of real human cadavers in various artistic poses. Also lots of organ pathology. Very cool experience, highly recommended.

Monday: 15/15 of 1)Pushups, 2)Body Rows, 3)front squats and 4)Swings. I did strength level, I'm pushing to make my workouts a bit more aerobic than purely strength-gaining.

Tues: FIT was a timed drop down (40 sec-30-20-10) of 5 exercises: 1)sprint, 2)snowboarder, 3)skater, 4)sitout, 5)up/down, two times through. K-Smash, this is an excellent little workout that requires no equipment (except a clock). Then I did the Cap City trail, as it was a fantastic day outside and I had the afternoon off.

Wed: Card Deck of 1)hindus, 2)chins, 3)jump lunges and 4)C-band extensions. The extensions felt like too much of a shoulder workout, so I dropped down to having the band around my neck. Much better!

In food news, I'm sticking with the daily smoothie (frozen fruit + kale + yogurt + banana +/- flax seed). I'm also eating a salad daily. However, yesterday had frozen pizza for dinner (boo me). But overall, energy is ok. When I get my loan check, then I can actually shop for fresh fruit and veggies! Can't wait.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

That FIT workout does sound good. I'll have to go out early in the morning to do it one of these days. I haven't done too much of that sort of thing lately, for a couple reasons. One, its so freakin' hot out. Two, I feel a little self-concious doing things like snowboarders and sitouts by myself out in a field where people can see me as they are running on the trail...I know, dumb reason. The Mon and Wed workouts sound really good too.