Monday, August 07, 2006

back to the gym!

I finally returned to normal workout schedule today after my surgery rotation hiatus. I did the daily BP workout, 40 tire clean & press and 40 turkish getups (20 with 16K and 20 with 12K). Then I finished with some yoga and indian clubs. I can already tell I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

Saturday, Steve Cotter visited the MBG. He's a kettlebell instructor and grappler. He taught Jess, Tim and Chad some stuff, and Jess and Chad showed some of it to me today. Stuff like deck squats to a pistol, army crawling, but on your fists, and jumping from elbows to fists as fast as possible. Pretty wicked stuff.

My goal is to make it to Elver and run the hill once this week. We'll see how that goes.