Thursday, August 17, 2006

My Break is Over

Hey everyone! I had a bit of a break the last couple of days, but am back on track as of yesterday.

For yesterday's workout, we did that one designed by K-Smash. 20 push-ups, 20 body rows, 20 sit-ups, run around the bldg AMAP in 30 minutes. I didnt quite make it through 4 times and my arms were like jello at the end :) I opted for box step-ups as an alternate to running and did 30 on each leg for each set.

My diet yesterday consisted of some peanuts, a taco salad (lettuce, beans, tomatoes, onions, and salsa) and a Hummus Sandwich (hummus, spinach, onions, tomatoes, and cucumbers). The sandwich was huge and turned into two meals.

I am planning on biking tonight if I can get out of work before 7. Hopefully I will have time to do the capitol city trail, if not maybe a quick jaunt around lake Monona.

Be Strong!


K-Smash said...

Whooooo-hooo! That workout rocks! Nice job!!

But I didn't design it. Tim did. He came up with 20 pushups, 20 chinups and run around the block. I just said that if we added the situps in, then its the perfect workout for training for various law enforcement and military physical fitness tests. :D

amber said...

We decided its still the Karen workout. Tim can have his own custom-designed workout once he leaves too :)