Thursday, August 17, 2006

Still Searching

Still Searching

Hey! Long time since I've posted. Spent the weekend until Tuesday night at my mother's, burned out tired at work on Wednesday, no workout today. I just have to say that I'm trying to find a balance between over-training and not training at all, but it's difficult for me now... So, this week is the over-compensation for last week's over-compensation...I don't feel like I have a handle on managing my energy level with my new job and working in the workouts. Maybe I need to work in the opposite direction---commit to the workout so that I manage my energy better at the job. Have I mentioned I'm having a hard time? O.K. Enough whining... Just had to share.


K-Smash said...

Share away! That's why we're doing this, right? I've had times when its really challenging to find balance. I would say that you could try to sit down on the weekend and decide what you want to accomplish in the coming week, and how much of your resouces (physical, emotional, energy, etc) you are going to devote to each one. Decide what days you are going to work out on and at what time. Print it out and put it up on your fridge, or someplace that you will see it and check in with yourself. You push yourself really hard, and I think you are pretty hard on yourself sometimes. Be kind to yourself! You should do something for yourself every day. And if you have a really, really long, tiring day, then do some HEY and go for a nice walk or go to bed early!

You can share or vent anytime!

Tough Chick said...

Hey BBG! It sounds like you are really struggling. Would it help to have a workout partner? If so, we should plan some times. I think we could really motivate each other! I like K-smash's idea of writing down some goals and sticking to them. Also what you said about committing to your workouts and finding a balance around that committment. Thank you for being so real on your posts and know that I am always cheering you on. Hang in there girl!