Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tuesdays Workout and Nutrition

Hey Everybody! Thanks for your posts, it is really motivating to read about your progress and your struggles. I am really struggling with my nutrition, but am hanging in there. There are temptations everywhere I turn. I just keep telling myself that I am only harming my body by putting preservatives and 0ther crap into it! Go Nutrient Rich! I would really appreciate your support and any dietary suggestions that you have!

I felt like crap yesterday but still managed to get a 9 mile bike ride in followed by a walk to the dog park, which is probably about a mile from my house.


Green bean, carrots, cucumber and Red Pepper Hummus

Apsaragus, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes, and pasta with homemade pesto

Hamburger Patty (plain)

Trail Mix (nuts, seeds, and dried fruit)

Vegetarian Chili (beans, tomatoes, onions and textured soy protein)

Smoothie (kale, rice milk, banana, pineapple, source of life)


I have been eating small amounts every couple of hours, which seems to be working well. Around 2pm I start craving sweets and haven't been giving in, but it takes all I have not to. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

Fruit, fruit, fruit! Try bringing any of your favorite fruits to work and save them for when you start craving sweets. I almost always crave sugar in hot weather, and fruit does the trick. This week I've had fresh pineapple, plums, nectarines, strawberries, and apples; dried cranberries; frozen blueberries...

Another option to try would to bring a cup of a whole-grain cereal (my favorite is Nature's Path Optimum Power cereal). Wait..that has soy in it. Aren't you allergic?

In general, make sure that you are getting a really good variety of veggies, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and protein sources. More variety in your nutrient sources will ensure that you get all the nutrients you need, and help you feel more satisfied.

Make sure that you are drinking enough water too. That's all I can think of for now.