Thursday, August 31, 2006

Tough week

This week has solidified my opinion that I should not plan off days or vacations into my workout schedule, because they plan themselves. I've been letting everything get in the way of my workouts this week. I feel really bad about it too, especially since I did such a good job at sticking with my training last week, and because I want to be in tip-top shape to train with you guys next week!

Monday - rowed for 1 hour
Tuesday - no workout - gone all day on a little field trip with DH and his coworkers
Wednesday - rowed for 2.5 hours
Thursday - slow count workout - 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down for pushups, 90 degree chins, and cable presses; and then two sets of 60 situps.

I intended to do a training session Monday, but I was gone for most of the day and got home really late. Tuesday, I went with DH and his coworkers to a swimming hole for their annual lab outing (see pics below) and then dinner to celebrate with a post-doc who got a job and is moving away. The place where we were was absolutely beautiful. Wednesday, I got home pretty late from rowing and running errands, and tried to get stuff done before DH got home. Time got away from me, and I didn't train. Today, I trained, but I had been cleaning all morning, and then Chad called and wanted to know if we wanted to hang out, so due to limited time, it was a quicker workout than I had intended. I think it was sufficient though.

So here's some pictures of that place that we went picnicing and swimming. Swimming was pretty interesting. There were turtles in there with us, and someone saw a tarantula on the wall, next to the

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