Monday, August 21, 2006

Its a beautiful day . . .

and I'm inside working :( . I will, however, run outside later today.

Yesterday, Sunday, I went to Governor Dodge with Robyn, Nancy, Jen and Tom from MBG. We hiked 3 separate trails, totalling about 11 miles. It was a good mix of trails, hilly wooded ones and flatter open ones. We want to plan an outing for the Monkey Bar in a coming weekend, to run/hike and cook out at GD.

Then, I did the Power 60 workout. It was great:
3x100m sprint, 20 MB throwbacks, 5 chins, 10 downdog pushups (feet on box), 10 box jumps, REST

5x100m sprint, 40 MB throwbacks, 10 chins, 20 downdog pushups (feet on box), 20 box jumps, REST

250f/250b with jump rope, 2x up stairs with PW, 20 chins, 25 plyo pushups (jump from MB to ground), 50 squat jumps, REST

It wiped me out but today I feel rested and ready to take on another workout! Today is HEY and a 2-mile ditzel of a run, to try to restart my mini-running program. Nothing gets me in shape like running. So, even though I hate running, I do it.

Food, bleh. I did have a spinach salad for lunch, and a banana/peach/kale smoothie for breakfast. So, off to a good start for today. We'll see how that turns out; I'm always craving something bad for me.

1 comment:

Tough Chick said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Thanks for the tips on the Kettlebell cleans yesterday. Your nutrition doesn't sound bad at all, unless you are eating at McDonalds everyday. Ha! I dont think the cravings for junk ever go away.