Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Its been awhile . . . I started eating better (which, compared to you all, is eating junk), but I feel better already!

Morning smoothie, a salad a day, usually lunch, and dinner usually consisting of fish + veggies + brown rice.

I do eat popcorn and ice cream for cheat foods, and I just can't give up the soda and the chai. But it beats cafeteria food, and I'm pretty proud of the little improvements I've made.

Workouts of note lately: Jumprope technique workout: I did 3 9-minute sets of jumping rope, alternating 1 minute of the posted skill with 1 minute of boxing shuffle w/rope. Got me sweating hard! Then sprints 50m X 10 . . . ouch!

Monday I did yoga, and came out of there feeling better than I have in a long time. Then Tuesday at work, I got a huge compliment on my posture! I had to chalk it up to the realignment from the day before.

Last week was 10 minutes of AMAP burpees . . . I did a respectable 194! New personal best, felt great!

Today was FBI workout, I stuck to strength level and powered through 5 sets in 28 minutes. The first few running sets were slow, but sped up as my knees and ankles stopped protesting, or I ignored them.

1 comment:

K-Smash said...

You rock, Dr. Burpees!!!