Thursday, April 05, 2007


Its ridiculously cold outside. So I did an indoor workout at the Shell:
3 miles, paced 11min, then 10min, then 9.5 minute.
40-30-20-10 reps of each exercise: situps, leg lifts, thinker(seconds)

The obstacle course I put together for class this morning looked so fun that I think I'll head to the gym this afternoon and try it. Being out of school and with little else to do gives me plenty of time to work out and plenty of energy for it. I love it!

And I just bought a juicer and I love it. This morning I made carrot, strawberry, apple, kale juice and it was delicious.

1 comment:

madison said...

What a coincidence...I was just thinking about getting a juicer. Now it's my project for the weekend. Thanks for the inspiration! Can't wait to hear about your adventures on the low-flying trapeze!