Tuesday, April 24, 2007

packing in the workouts

Again, I have a short workout week. I'm headed to Vegas for a friend's bachelorette party this weekend, so I need to push myself the days I have! I like this format though: a few days of hardcore double workouts, then a few days of R&R!

Yesterday did an IGOUGO workout pyramid (you do one rep, partner does one, you do 2, partner does 2, so on until failure, then back down the pyramid). I did:
pushups (made it to 11)
chins (made it to 6)
vertical jumps (made it to 10)
pw curls with 20# (made it to 9)

Today my chest and triceps are sore!

Then I did a 5-mile run, from MBG to the Sheraton and back. Nice easy pace, took about 50 min.

Today I did the FIT class run/slide/crawl that BBG described, plus similar core exercises.

Tonight I plan to do some yoga and balance work. All in all, a good day of work, and I feel great!


madison said...

Awesome! Way to take advantage of time to work out. Hope the yoga and balance work help. For me, yoga always relieves a little of the soreness.

K-Smash said...

You're so freakin' strong, its unreal!

I like that workout too. That would be a good one to do with one of my classes sometime.

BTW, when you come to TX, will you teach me to do freestaning handstands? I can do them against a wall, but I don't know how to get into one without a wall...

amber said...

sure we can work on handstands. If you're steady against a wall for a good 30 second handstand, then freestanding should be no problem! Sweet :)